Lately, I have been reading an interesting book by Ian Mortimer, "Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England." For those of us hooked on medieval history it is a delight! He walks through various aspects of medieval life, anything from food, travel, customs, and more. Reading through this, you will find a whole new glossary of words that you have never heard. For instance, do you know what a gongfermor's job was? It is actually detailed on google. Have a look. I might post more interesting medieval words here in the future.
It is official, Anastasia was not the daughter of Roger. In fact, during that time frame there was no Roger Newburgh. Anastasia was the daughter of John Newburgh Esq. of East Lulworth who died in 1483/4. I have confirmed that historians have once again published inaccurate information. How? I have a copy of the Esquire's will and it in fact speaks of Anastasia Frampton John Newburgh's daughter. So here is one more for the books that needs to be corrected.
On page 15 Sir Roger Newborough of East Lulworth was cited as the father of Anastasia. However, I cannot tell what year this occurred! John Newburgh Esq. had a daughter named Anastasia whom it is well known married into the Frampton family. There were two Sir Roger's who were his grandsons. The one who inherited Lulworth died in 1514 with only one daughter who married Sir John Marney. The other is this new entry into the Newburgh orbit. The mystery continues. While perusing a book titled Armorial Families, by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, I ran across an interesting article about quartering of arms. In those arms I found the Earls of Warwick and the Maudit family. In speaking to my colleague Stephen Slater, he recommended that I visit this web site. While not directly related to this group, there are several mentions of Newburgh associations via the Earls of Warwick. It will give you an idea of the vastness of genealogy and provide information about the individuals mentioned that you would otherwise have to request (and pay for) of the College of Arms. Enjoy! Did you know the Carent family members were shirttail relations to the Stourtons and Tudors. Alice Carent’s mother, Margaret was daughter of William Stourton, Esq. and Elizabeth Moigne. Her grandfather Sir John Stourton who married Katherine Beaumont. (The Beaumont's were blood relations to the Newburghs.) William’s half-sister Edith Stourton married Sir John Beauchamp. (The Beauchamps were a cadet line to the later Earls of Warwick. Henry Newburgh/deNovoBurgo was the first Norman Earl of Warwick.) Their daughter Margaret married John Beaufort, Duke of Somerset. Their daughter was Lady Margaret Beaufort, first wife of Edmund Tudor, mother of King Henry VII and grandmother of Henry VIII.
I was astounded when I learned the above information, because the "genealogists" peg the Newburghs as being merely merchants in the 15th century. Where that notion came from is a mystery. My friend Stephen provided more information in the next comment. |
Sue SimonichI am a medieval historian who has been studying the Newburgh family of Dorset for 20+ years. Archives
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